Deer are classified as feral animals in South Australia and six species can be legally hunted. Deer can be hunted year round and there is no bag limit.
A Basic Hunting Permit and written permission from the landholder is required to hunt deer. The two main species encountered are Fallow deer and Red deer.
Where to Hunt
Deer hunting is only permitted on private land. You must obtain written permission from the landowner to access hunting areas. We recommend that you join an organisation such as SA Deer Control or SSAA. They can help and mentor you in deer hunting.
Deer have spread throughout most of the cooler, well vegetated areas in South Australia including the upper and lower South East, Adelaide Hills, Limestone Coast, Eyre Peninsula, Clare Valley, Adelaide Plains and the Mid North.

Widespread in South Australia. Bucks can be 90 cm tall at the shoulder and weigh 90 kg. Does can be 76 cm and weigh 40 kg. Colour can be red, black, or creamy white.

Seen in low numbers in the wild. Stags can be 86 cm tall at the shoulder and weigh 80 kg and hinds considerably less. Colouring is striking; a reddish to brown coat with white spots, white upper throat patch and black dorsal stripe

Rarely seen in the wild. They are the smallest deer in Australia and although they are a close relative of the chital, they bear little resemblance to them. Stags can be 70 cm tall at the shoulder and weigh 50 kg, with the hind being smaller and weighing 30 kg.

Widespread in South Australia. Stags can be 120 cm tall at the shoulder and weigh 135-160 kg. Hinds can be 90 cm and weigh 92 kg. Colour is a rich russetbrown on the body and outer legs and grey underneath and on the neck.

Rarely seen in the wild. Biologically related to the sambar. Stags can be 110 cm tall at the shoulder and weigh 136 kg. Hinds can be 95 cm and weigh 60 kg. Their coat hair is coarse and sparse and generally a greyish brown in colour.

Rarely seen in the wild. The largest of deer in Australia. Stags can be 130 cm tall at the shoulder and weigh over 300 kg. Hinds can be 115 cm and weigh 230 kg.
The only native quail species you may legally hunt in South Australia is the stubble quail, but only during an open season.
Up to eight species of native duck may be hunted during an open season if prescribed. Duck hunting open seasons typically start in late summer and end in mid winter.
Feral Animals
Hunting other feral animals, foxes, cats, pigeons, rabbits, and goats requires a basic hunting permit, and can be carried out on both private and public land.