Feral Animals
Hunting other feral animals, foxes, cats, pigeons, rabbits, and goats requires a basic hunting permit, and can be carried out on both private and public land.
Hunting Feral Animals is allowed year round with a Basic Hunting Permit.
We recommend that you join an organisation such as the SSAA or Artemis. They can help you gain access to areas for hunting feral animals and they will teach you how to safely harvest meat from your hunt.
Feral animals may not be hunted in: Game Reserves, National Parks, Conservation Parks and Wilderness Protection Areas, ForestrySA or SA Water land.
The only native quail species you may legally hunt in South Australia is the stubble quail, but only during an open season.
Deer are classified as feral animals in South Australia and six species can be legally hunted. Deer can be hunted year round and there is no bag limit.
Up to eight species of native duck may be hunted during an open season if prescribed. Duck hunting open seasons typically start in late summer and end in mid winter.