

There are duck hunting seasons each year in South Australia where hunters are permitted to take specific species.

The 2025 Duck Season is still closed however has been announced see details below.

Open Duck season from 22nd March 2024 to 29th June 2024.
Bag Limit of 6 ducks with no more than 2 mountain duck

hunting permitted between sunrise and sunset
The species to which the open season applies is limited to the following:
• Grey Teal (Anas gracilis)
• Chestnut Teal (Anas castanea)
• Pacific Black Duck (Anas superciliosa)
• Australian Shelduck (mountain duck) (Tadorna tadornoides)
• Maned (Wood) Duck (Chenonetta jubata)

Open Quail Season 26th April 2024 to 27th July 2024
Bag Limit 15.

please read all permit conditions given when you receive permits. hunting for more info. Outside of an open season, all ducks are protected and must not be taken.

To hunt duck during an open season:

  • follow the open season’s hunting restrictions.

  • Read the code of conduct for the humane destruction of birds found here

For information about the duck and quail open seasons, including what permits are required visit the Department for Environment and Water’s website.


Check which species can be hunted each season

The following duck species may be prescribed as being available for hunting in an open season. Each season, you must check which ones. Sometimes not all of them will be available for hunting, if for example environmental conditions indicate one or more species need protection. Remember, you need to pass the Waterfowl Identification Test to be issued an Open Season Duck Hunting Permit.

Check before you go

»» Have you got an Open Season Duck Hunting Permit for the current season?

Permits are only valid for one season.

»» Have you checked the current rules and restrictions this year?


»» Have you checked what time dawn and dusk will be? Remember that you must not hunt at night.

  • Quail

    The only native quail species you may legally hunt in South Australia is the stubble quail, but only during an open season.

  • Deer

    Deer are classified as feral animals in South Australia and six species can be legally hunted. Deer can be hunted year round and there is no bag limit.

  • Feral Animals

    Hunting other feral animals, foxes, cats, pigeons, rabbits, and goats requires a basic hunting permit, and can be carried out on both private and public land.