Announcement of the 2024 Duck and Quail Season!
Open Duck season from 16th March 2024 to 30 June 2024.
Bag Limit of 10
The species to which the open season applies is limited to the following:
• grey teal (Anas gracilis)
• chestnut teal (Anas castanea)
• Pacific black duck (Anas superciliosa)
• Australian shelduck (mountain duck) (Tadorna tadornoides)
• maned (wood) duck (Chenonetta jubata)
• pink-eared duck (Malacorhynchus membranaceus)
• hardhead (Aythya australis).
Open Quail Season 27th April 2024 to 28th July 2024
Bag Limit 15.
Announcement of 2024 Duck and Quail Season
The Conservation and Hunting Alliance of South Australia congratulates the Malinauskas Government on the announcement of the 2024 duck and quail hunting season. It is an affirmation of the right of all South Australians to harvest healthy wild food sustainably.
“After three La Nina years populations of game birds are at the highest level they have been for over a decade and we are looking forward to harvesting duck and quail as traditional, free range food. None of the species hunted are under any threat and all species hunted are listed as “of least concern” by the International Union for Conservation and Nature. (IUCN)” said Mr. Graham Stopp, CHASA chairman.
A recent Government Review into duck and quail hunting found the activity was sustainable and should continue. The Review recognised the hunting community’s involvement in the conservation and management of wetlands as well as it’s role in controlling feral pests.
The Review summary stated that duck and quail hunting “ is more than just a sport or recreational activity, but a tradition that is intergenerational, and cultural, as well as a philosophical, moral and lifestyle choice which is related to the “field to plate” ethos. “
“ We are satisfied that our hunting lifestyle has been scrutinised by an independent body and found to be a valuable and sustainable way of life for our members and First Nations people. We remain committed to improving animal welfare out comes and will work closely with Government to implement the recommendations of the Review.” Said Mr. Stopp.
All hunters;
1. hold a current Firearms Licence
2. have passed a firearms safety test
3. have passed a waterfowl identification test
4. hold a current Hunting Permit
Once again, CHASA would like to commend the Malinauskas Government for making a science based decision. The majority of South Australians support the Ethical & Sustainable Harvesting of wildfowl for food.