A united voice for hunting and conservation clubs in South Australia
Bringing together hunters, government and other organisations in maintaining South Australia’s wild places and the ethical harvesting of wild food.
Latest News
Wild food is healthy.
Waterfowl ID Tests
Book a test to obtain a duck hunting permit, or get training to prepare for a test.
Wildfood Dinners
Our annual Wine and Wild Food Dinners, delivered by chef Andrew Fielke.
Intro to Hunting in SA
Opportunities in South Australia, including species, locations, and where to get advice.
Hunting Sustainability
Environmental conservation to ensure the species we hunt are sustainably managed.
About Us
The Conservation and Hunting Alliance of South Australia (CHASA) aims to preserve and promote, in a respectful way, the rights of hunters to participate in sustainable hunting.
We work with hunting organisations and the South Australian Department for Environment and Water to restore wildlife habitats, guide hunting seasons, develop hunting education, and ensure wildlife is only hunted at sustainable levels.
Hunting in South Australia
South Australian modern hunting opportunities, hunting seasons and modern hunting practices, ensuring hunting continues to deliver social, environmental and economic benefits to South Australia.

Make a donation
We need you to keep our work going to ensure the hunting and conservation can continue together in South Australia